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Ultra-Wide Implants



for Molar Replacement Therapy

Immediate placement in a molar extraction socket.



Maximize Soft-Tissue and Preserve Bone

Immediate Placement in a Molar Extraction Socket

Images courtesy: Dr. Mariano Polack

Clinicians around the world have successfully used the wide-diameter implant for their immediate molar cases since 2006.

“The TILOBEMAXX® implant is truly a game-changing development in implant dentistry. For immediate placement in molar extraction sites, particularly when there is no septal bone, the TILOBEMAXX® is not only the best choice, but quite often is the ONLY choice! The superb initial stabilization along with its ideal wide prosthetic platform provides for predictable, anatomically compatible, and simplified outcomes in immediate molar implant restorations.” 

Richard B. Smith, DDS - Specialized Dentistry of New York

“The placement of the TILOBEMAXX® dental implant in immediate molar extraction sites has been a tremendous value to our practice and more importantly to our patients and referrals. The TILOBEMAXX® implant has significantly changed our management of molar extraction sites where we now provide predictable and highly successful immediate implant placement at the time of molar extraction. This technique has benefited our patients by reducing the number surgical procedures and the overall treatment time, which translates to less appointments and less time away from home or work.”

Dr. Will, DDS, MD, FACS, Oral Surgeon

Smarter Thinking. Simpler Design.

Bone Membrane and Wound Dressing / Sutures

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